Iliya Cherkinski & Partners

/Law Office Notary Public/

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Услуги   Practical
Услуги   The foreign
 Запись на приём   The contact
 Статьи   The analyst
 Полезные ссылки   Practical
Государственные сайты   The Israeli
  state sites
Государственные сайты   Archive

3 Ben Yehuda Str. ,
Jerusalem ,
Tel:   (972)-2-6253259
Tel/Fax: (972)-2-6235262
Cell:   (972)-54-4679249

The Foreign Partners

Юриспруденция Законы
           Russian Federation:

Moscow city and regional Bar associations; Inter-Republican Bar Association; Law Office "Version"; Law Office "Alexander Dobrovinsky and Partners"; Specialized consultation "YUST"; "Law Office of Moses, Halimon and Partners" and others.


"Kishinevsky Law Office" in Toronto;

           Czech Republic:

Law Office "Hasek, Death and Partners" in Prague;


Law Office "Alexander Ivanov and Partners" in Sofia;


Law Office "E. Budvaizio, J. Civilis and partners” in Vilnius;


Law Office "Gordon, Steinlauf" in Chicago, Illinois; Law Office "Tenzer and Berman" in New York.

* * *

 Record on reception вверх

Main | Practical experience | The foreign partners | Record on reception |
The analyst | News of the Israeli legislation | The Israeli state sites | Our partners

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